
Widget-based Managed Agriculture Area Monitoring Service supporting the CAP

GeoVille and its partner EOX GmbH introduce a widget-based Managed Agriculture Area Monitoring Service supporting the CAP Checks by Monitoring and Area Monitoring System.


The new service provides:


- Products conformant with latest IACS regulations

- Cost-efficient planet fusion VHR integration

- Function-rich quality assurance support

- Versatile graphical interface for expert judgement

- SLA-based, matching reporting obligations

- End-to-end operations

For more information visit:  https://eowidget.services/


Legislation updates – Birth of the Area Monitoring System

A new IACS regulation is in place and starting on the 1st of January of 2023 the Area Monitoring System will become a reality in all European Union Member states.

The EO-WIDGET consortium has responded accordingly and is happy to announce the ongoing bilateral development of three required products, namely:

  • Change product to identify category changes in the land use
  • Imperviousness measurement to detect ineligible areas
  • Homogeneity product to assess non-homogeneus land use


Check out the latest version in our public demo.





Widget-based Managed Agriculture Area Monitoring Service supporting the CAP

Get in touch

GeoVille Information Systems
and Data Processing GmbH

Sparkassenplatz 2
6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 512 562021-0
Fax: +43 512 562021-22
Email: info(at)geoville.com