Provision of land
monitoring capacity
for Copernicus


The European Commission Copernicus Earth Observation programme represents a concerted effort to support public authorities, the private sector and Europe’s citizens with satellite-derived environmental and security-related information. Copernicus provides accurate, timely and easily accessible information to help decision-makers to take appropriate action.

GeoVille is playing a key role in Copernicus services for land applications, related to both land cover data production and emergency management services, as well as value-added downstream applications in the spatial planning domain. We have performed many projects related to Copernicus, covering the full value-adding chain from data production to operational solutions as well as capacity building and promotion.


Our clients:

  • European Environment Agency (EEA)
  • European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC)
  • European Space Agency (ESA)
  • National and state-level public authorities

We deliver ...

  • Services and systems for production, storage, and application of the new European Corine Land Cover+ land monitoring system (Backbone, Core and Instances)
  • Pan-European mapping and monitoring of land cover such as the High Resolution Layers (HRL) for Vegetated, Non-Vegetated, Water and Wetness areas as well as Small Landscape and Woody Features.
  • Local land monitoring, including change mapping within and around NATURA 2000 sites,  Riparian Zones and European Coastal Zones following the MAES typology of ecosystems
  • Copernicus EMS Risk and Recovery Mapping  - on-demand geospatial information to support emergency management activities for prevention, preparedness, disaster risk reduction or recovery phases
  • Near-realtime processing and production in frame of the Copernicus Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) services
  • Environmental studies to support reporting obligations related to climate change mitigation or adaptation, e.g. on GHG emissions, LULUCF, etc.
  • Cloud operating system to produce the Copernicus Land Monitoring Services:
    • cloud-based EO data processing and storage solutions, with built-in monitoring and configuration systems
    • data-accesses via flexible, easily extendable, and highly portable RESTful API calls and Web-Clients without legal or technical restrictions
    • interactive web-map- and information- services for the wider public, as well as promotion services to decision-makers

Information Products

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Presentation of Copernicus applications


ESA publishes a series of "Copernicus Briefs", each presenting a concrete application of the Earth monitoring programme. Together with ESA, GeoVille identified current, late-breaking topics and presented the potential of EO data from dedicated Copernicus missions.


Automatic flood monitoring


The GFMS is the first global, fully automatic identification and monitoring of flood events, complementing the existing Copernicus Emergency Management Services for early warning and on-demand mapping. GeoVille developed and operates the GFMS high performance cloud operation and satellite processing system.

Europe-wide | Istanbul

Imperviousness degree

Europe-wide | Istanbul

Earth observation based degree of imperviousness, i.e. the coverage of the earth's surface with impermeable materials.

Libya | Benghazi

Damage assessment

Libya | Benghazi

Earth observation based land cover mapping and damage assessment following the violent conflict between parties in Libya. Such information are used by local authorities and humanitarian actors to define priorities to better facilitate recovery.

Success Story

HRL Copernicus
land cover/land use

The Natura 2000 network of protected sites covers about 18% of the EU’s land area and is the main policy strategy to address biodiversity conservation in Europe.

2015, Europe

The Natura 2000 network of protected sites covers about 18% of the EU’s land area and is the main policy strategy to address biodiversity conservation in Europe.

In 2016, GeoVille was, as part of a consortium, contracted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to map a selection of Natura 2000 sites in order to assess their development over time for the 2006-2012 period - especially in view of quantitative/qualitative changes of certain natural/semi-natural grassland types, and an analysis of pressures and threats which impact the Natura 2000 sites and habitats. It is to complement and continue the previous mapping and analysis work undertaken by the GIO/Copernicus Initial Operations.

The results enable an assessment of the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network on a European scale, specifically for investigating its effectiveness in halting the decline of important grassland habitat types across Europe.


Get in touch

GeoVille Information Systems
and Data Processing GmbH

Sparkassenplatz 2
6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 512 562021-0
Fax: +43 512 562021-22
Email: info(at)