Our clients

Founded in 1998, GeoVille is a high-tech company providing innovative geo-information solutions to a global clients’ base in more than 140 countries world-wide.

The list below provides an excerpt of prominent reference clients (excluding R&D institutions):

What our clients say

Chris Steenmanns Head of Data Access and Management Group; European Environment Agency

“EEA acknowledges with great interest the Definiens/EU/ESA Innovation Award won by its European Topic Centre on Land Use and Spatial Information partner GeoVille. Technology like the one developed and applied by GeoVille will in future certainly help to address bridging the gap between regional, national and European land cover and land use mapping.”


Johannes KanonierGIS Coordinator; Land Vorarlberg

“The automated workflow increases throughput dramatically which means we can properly assess the impact of policies, the sustainability of land consumption, or the rate of land cover change in the light of accurate, up-to-date and reliable data.”


Matthias HatzNetwork Planner; WIMAX Telecom

“WIMAX Telecom requires very high quality clutter maps for its network planning. GeoVille's clutter maps produced with RegioCover have convinced us through an excellent quality-price ratio, their rapid availability and flexibility of coverage.”


Neil McMahonSenior Research Analyst Global Integrated Oils; Sanford C Bernstein

“We sought out a research partner which led us to GeoVille Information Systems, who are experts in the field of GIS, and more importantly are one of the few companies in the world capable of analyzing subsidence data based on past experience.”


Robert Hoft Environmental Affairs Officer; United Nations Secretariat on the Convention of Biological Diversity

“Since the selection of GeoVille as the contractor commissioned to carry out the analysis, regular contacts have taken place including a visit to the CBD Secretariat. The GeoVille team has thereby taken on board all the suggestions and concerns raised by the CBD Secretariat and provided explanations on the available options for delivering the final products. The CBD Secretariat has been extremely satisfied with the client orientation of the contractor.”


Marco Antonio Gonzales P.Environmental Affairs Officer; Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)

“En las reuniones de los usarios del proyecto, en la verificación de campo desarollada en Costa Rica y en el seguimiento que dan a las actividades y acuerdos, se nota la alta responsabilidad y experiencia de las personas de GeoVille. CCAD manifiesta su satisfacción por la atención al usario que brinda GeoVille.”


Dr. Marion Gunreben LBEG; Hannover, Germany

“Responsible for the protection of soils in Lower Saxony, the State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) looked for a comprehensive land take monitoring service. The products generated by GeoVille through the ESA-GSE Land project fit our needs but were limited to certain regions. Therefore we decided to order these geo-information products for the entire State as critical input to our soil information system.”

Get in touch

GeoVille Information Systems
and Data Processing GmbH

Sparkassenplatz 2
6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 512 562021-0
Fax: +43 512 562021-22
Email: info(at)geoville.com