Corporate Social Responsibility

We define corporate social responsibility (CSR) as activities undertaken to assess and take responsibility for our effects on environmental and social wellbeing. By living our core values, being mindful of our impact, and developing solutions to sustain the quality and safety of our environment, we ensure that the way we do business is as meaningful as the solutions we provide.

Our Staff

Internationality is our company’s strength. GeoVille is an equal-opportunity employer and encourages diversity at the workplace. Our staff is multi-national and multi-lingual, speaking more than eight different languages.

Our Environment

With our geo-information services and products, we support the work of various national and international organisations responsible for environmental protection and enforcement, such as the European Environment Agency, the European Space Agency, international donors as well as governmental and non-governmental organisations. Our services and products provide essential information for monitoring the environment and enable decision-makers to act in the most sustainable way with regard to our natural resources.

We do our best to keep our own impact on the environment as low as possible by insisting on the use of environmentally-friendly transport vehicles, energy resources and office material. In order to monitor and permanently reduce our environmental impact, we established an environmental management system which is fully compliant with ISO 14000 standards for environmental management. Our management system is regularly certified by Quality Austria - a member of the International Certification Network (IQNet).

Our Social Commitment

Social commitment is a crucial basis for our successful global operations. We aim to use our know-how and experience to contribute to social peace – and stable economic development.

Get in touch

GeoVille Information Systems
and Data Processing GmbH

Sparkassenplatz 2
6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 512 562021-0
Fax: +43 512 562021-22
Email: info(at)