We are delighted to announce that the new Copernicus High Resolution Layers (HRLs) for the reference year 2015 are now available online via the CLMS portal.
The Copernicus High Resolution Layers (HRLs) provide consistent pan-European land cover characteristics derived from high to very-high resolution satellite imagery, including ESA’s Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellites. Thereby, the HRLs address five main land cover layers: imperviousness (sealed surfaces), forest, grasslands, water and wetness as well as small woody features.
In complement to the well-established CORINE Land Cover (CLC), the HRLs serve a broad user community, including European administration as well as Member State institutions, supporting applications for environmental policies and political decision-making.
The mapping of the Copernicus High Resolution Layers (HRLs) was performed by GeoVille and its partners from GAF AG and SIRS for all EEA-39 countries, covering approx. 6 million km².
All final products are made freely available by EEA via the CLMS portal:
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