This week, the QuinJunSAT consortium partners from GeoVille, The Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and GeoThings have been meeting at the AIT in Vienna to present the project outcomes to the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The meeting provided the opportunity for the invited stakeholders from Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Öesterreichisches Bundesherr – Institut Militärisches GeoWesen (BMLV), Disaster Competence Network Austria, Doctors without Borders, Red Cross Austria, Torrent- and Avalanche Control and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Austria to explore the functionalities of the QuinJunSAT system during a live demonstration of the developed tools.
Funded by the FFG Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) initiative “Beyond Europe”, the QuinJunSAT project (QuinJun, 群眾, is the pronunciation of the word “crowd” in traditional Chinese) developed a system for crisis and disaster management. Goal of the system was the improvement of the management of natural and man-made crisis events by integrating different technological components of the involved project partners from Austria and Taiwan. As such, the system, combines remote sensing, crowdsourcing and crowd-tasking elements, and crisis mapping components in an innovative and unique system solution.
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