
Ongoing monitoring acitvities to serve the potato industry

Making practical use of data. Successful completition of the potato monitoring season 2023 GEO4A offers marketable, end-to-end, actionable information service for crop development and quality monitoring and early forecasting of potato yield to the potato industry during potato growing season. The service gathers all relevant input field parameters and transforms these into quality and quantity Indicators that provide insights for companies to act upon.

GEO4A´s service adds objective and timely information to the growing stages (ie. date of emergence and senescence) of potato plants. The main value proposition of the service is making practical use of data. By combining EO and in-situ data for user specific service application and information, key quality and quantity indicators for potato growth monitoring create a direct and significant value for customer’s business operations, by improving upon and complementing conventional checks, verifications and projections.

Two exciting news can be reported on GEO4As behalf:

  • In the current season 2023 the DEMO of a new service on detecting sampling spots for better yield sampling could be tested. Actual results gained from the DEMO are currently analysed.  

  • GEO4A achieved a major step forward with the HARVIC Project (HARVest In Control – powered by ESA) with the successful performed Baseline Design Review (BDR) meeting. Next steps are the fully integration of the GEO4As service to the customers ERP systems.

Ongoing monitoring acitvities to serve the potato industry
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