GeoVille commences project component 4 activities aimed at the development and implementation of an EU and UNFCCC compliant satellite based monitoring system in support of highly accurate, TACCC compliant annual Activity Data for the LULUCF sector from 1990 until 2015.
The third quarterly Steering Committee Meeting for the Technical Assistance for Developed Analytical Basis for LULUCF Sector in Turkey was held in Ankara, Turkey, on May 29th, 2018. The AESA led consortium presented the project progress and results of completed activities and provided an outlook on the activities under way and commencing shortly.
At this stage, the project has completed detailed reviews of the LULUCF sector in Turkey and identified inception points for improvements to be addressed by the project. Among others, the project will address and resolve issues related to data quality, reliability, accuracy, consistency, completeness, and the overall reporting methodologies. The project has further identified research gaps, particularly for local emission factors.
The development of a Technical Assistance Needs Assessment (TANA) is currently under way and the core Component 4 (running from June 2018 until January 2019), responsibly for the development of satellite based annual Activity Data (AD) from 1990-2015, will launch this week.
GeoVille presented the approach toward a satellite based monitoring system making full use of the free and open satellite archives of Landsat for past observations and the state-of-the-art Copernicus program with its fleet of Sentinel satellites for future change detection in support of the annual NIR and biannual reporting commitments.
The next Steering Committee Meeting is scheduled for Aug 14th, 2018. The focus will be on the progress of Component 4 as well as the upcoming activities under Component 5 (IT Infrastructure for GHG reporting). Both Components 4 and 5 are led by GeoVille.
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