Beginning of July, the European Space Agency - ESA Dunia EO Africa KO event took place with GeoVille as the prime contractor. Our team and partners are working on a Service that will enhance the usage of Copernicus data in Africa.
Planning to provide innovative technology solutions that will improve EO data accessibility and exploitation in Africa by leapfrogging infrastructure bottlenecks. Also supporting the direct interpretation of Copernicus data and develop solutions with low bandwidth consumption and an interface suitable for hand-held mobile devices.
The potential benefits of Earth Observation in supporting sustainable developments in Africa are well recognized. According to Dr. Tidiane Ouattara, on behalf of the African Union Commission, Earth Observation and the monitoring of Africa's abundant natural resources are important for conserving the welfare of current and future generations.
However, Africa remains the lowest user of #Copernicus Sentinels data from the #ESA dissemination systems at the continental level. To change this reality, #Dunia will provide users with an application hub, datasets over #Africa, user support, and front-end after three months from now.
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