
Implementing sustainable wetland monitoring

GeoVille and its partners had a successful technical training workshop in Dakar, Senegal, hosted by SenegalWet and arranged as a side meeting to the Ramsar African Regional Preparatory Meeting. The main objective of the workshop was to present the first official release of the GlobWetland Africa Toolbox with a demonstration of its main functionalities and to provide participants with the opportunity to gain first hands-on experiences.

GlobWetland Africa is a large Earth Observation application project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) in partnership with the African Team of the Ramsar convention on wetlands. The project is initiated to facilitate the exploitation of satellite observations to support effective management of wetlands and wise use of associated resources in Africa.

As a principal objective, GlobWetland Africa is developing and demonstrating an open source and free-of-charge software toolbox for the end-to-end processing of a large portfolio of Earth Observation products and the subsequent derivation of spatial and temporal indicators on wetland status and trends.

The workshop was an opportunity for the participants to learn how to get involved and to provide feedback to the development team as guidance for the ongoing evolution of the toolbox. Around 60 participants attended the technical workshop, representing more than 40 countries from the African continent mainly representing the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) National Focal Points.

For more information please visit:

GlobWetland Africa


Implementing sustainable wetland monitoring
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