
IG3IS Stakeholder Consultations and User Summit

The IG3IS Stakeholder Consultations and User Summit took place at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland beginning of February 2023, following the Scientific Conference on International Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Symposium, where Marcus Hirtl from GeoSphere, presented the ASAP 18 Austrian flagship project aiming to prototype the first Earth Observation-enabled kit supporting Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting in Europe to the international scientific community.

GeoVille and Geosphere established networking with scientists, stakeholders and users, such as the GHG National Inventory Report (NIR) compilers for Switzerland, Germany and UK, at the forefront of GHG monitoring, already integrating Earth Observation within their inventory process.

For more project details visit the project website:

IG3IS Stakeholder Consultations and User Summit
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