
Building new businesses on Copernicus' Sentinel data

Free and open access to high temporal and high spatial resolution Copernicus’ Earth observation data is becoming a major game-changer in EO sector, delivering new opportunities as well as new challenges at the same time.

We are excited to announce that GeoVille, as part of a consortium together with Sinergise, Magellium SAS, Landbrug & Fodevarar, Institut Jozef Stefan and Kmetijski Institut Slovenije, has been awarded a European Commission contract to build around these new business opportunities. The project “Perceptive Sentinel – BIG DATA knowledge extraction and re-creation platform” will deliver a hyper-scalable, general-purpose, data-ingesting, streaming machine-learning platform with the aim to provide answers to the following questions: how to ingest enormous amounts of data (big data), how to unlock the hidden value of the data and how to deliver new value to the end user community.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

For more information please visit:

Horizon 2020 Perceptive Sentinel

Building new businesses on Copernicus' Sentinel data
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