
A data platform for Africa: discover Dunia

Together with our partners, we launched a new service for African data users of Copernicus Sentinels data—to enable fast Earth observation data access for everyone, anywhere and at any time.Dunia is being developed in partnership by a group of leading organisations, each with a proven track record of excellence in the field of Earth Observation, with GeoVille leading the consortium.

Dunia is an all-in-one, easy-to-use data processing and dissemination platform that also works on smartphones. By providing access to Copernicus Sentinels data in formats and protocols adapted to low bandwidth and fast data processing, the Dunia service will help improve data accessibility and use, facilitating the development and operation of applications over Africa.

Users can choose from a wide range of African Earth Observation (EO) products and Copernicus satellite missions, and search, filter and view the data of their choice. Thanks to innovative solutions, they can obtain the datasets they want to analyse locally without worrying about bandwidth or endless download times. Thoughtfully selected datasets empower users to conduct a wide array of analyses, encompassing administrative boundaries, digital elevation models, and the complete Copernicus Sentinels catalog. Users have the capability to create and disseminate information about their solutions, fostering a sense of community through the sharing of data and applications with others. Dunia provides cloud development environments, equipped with popular and powerful data processing tools like JuypterLab and QGIS. Early adopters enjoy benefits like 450 hours of included processing, 50 GB of private storage, and unlimited downloads of Earth Observation (EO) data. Additionally, there's a dedicated live online training program with comprehensive tutorials tailored for first-time users, aimed at reducing access barriers. The Dunia service can be accessed at:https://dunia.esa.int/

A data platform for Africa: discover Dunia

Get in touch

GeoVille Information Systems
and Data Processing GmbH

Sparkassenplatz 2
6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 512 562021-0
Fax: +43 512 562021-22
Email: info(at)geoville.com