

Forests provide us with oxygen, shelter, jobs, water, nourishment and fuel. 

Our services identify, monitor and support better management of forests worldwide.  

Our solutions

Forest land

  • Tree cover outside agricultural or in urban land according to FAO forest definition
  • Afforested and deforested land
  • Managed and unmanaged forest land
  • Major forest type and species mapping

Forest disturbance

  • Forest disturbances related to extreme climatic events (e.g. wildfires, insect outbreaks, severe droughts, windthrows)
  • Human-induced forest disturbances (e.g. clearcuts, selective logging, prescribed burning)
  • Forest fire delineation and severity


  • Above-Ground-Biomass (AGB) and AGB changes in forest land and other land (e.g. cropland, urban areas)

Forest carbon storage

  • COemissions by sources and removals by sinks of AGB changes
  • COemissions from wildfires


  • Mangrove mapping
  • Wetland extent and habitat mapping (addressing various typologies, e.g. RAMSAR, UNEP)

Landscape objects

  • Small linear and woody features

Strategic Information for

European Union Agencies
  • Land Use/ Land Cover mapping of forest land
  • Monitoring, reporting and verification services for forest land and biomass compliant with EU Green Deal, EU LULUCF Regulation & EU Forest Strategy, UNFCCC Guidelines 
Government institutions, national & local authorities
  • Monitoring, reporting and verification services for the Forest Land category in support to LULUCF national inventory reporting obligations to EC and UNFCCC compliant with EU Green Deal, EU LULUCF Regulation & EU Forest Strategy 
Forest management and owner companies
  • Satellite monitoring for harvesting and afforestation management support
  • Stock assessment support
  • Damage assessments 
Wood industry (sellers, lumber manufacturers, ...)
  • Monitoring and IT solutions for purchase, harvesting and afforestation management in fulfillment of EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) 
International Financial Institutions (IFI)
  • Monitoring, reporting and verification services supporting the private carbon trading market compliant with the EU Green Deal, EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework, EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) & EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR)
  • Exposure & risk of assets
  • Verification of damages 
Law Firms
  • EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) 

Client Showcases

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