
Join us at the upcoming GHG-KIT Event!

Dive into the cutting-edge world of greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring, verification, and atmospheric modeling. Over two days, this event will feature European expert talks, live demos, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, all centered on the GHG-KIT project and its groundbreaking contributions to climate action.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation shaping the future of GHG monitoring and verification.

When: Wednesday, February 26 - Thursday, February 27, 2025
Where: Kuppelsaal, Vienna

Register here: Link


  • Interactive Sessions: Learn about innovations in atmospheric modeling prototypes, inverse modeling, and GHG validation techniques.
  • EO Innovations: Explore Earth Observation (EO) applications in monitoring GHG and the LULUCF sector.
  • Networking Cocktail: Connect with researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders.
  • Live Demos: Experience the User Dashboard and other tools in action.
  • Keynotes & Discussions: Hear from top experts in climate science and policy.



Join us at the upcoming GHG-KIT Event!
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