The EO for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) of Carbon Removals Conference held on 8-11 October in Copenhagen jointly organized by The European Environment Agency (EEA) and The European Space Agency (ESA) in close collaboration with and under the guidance of The European Commission Directorate General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) marked an important milestone within the Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) and carbon market communities.
It was a pleasure and honor for GeoVille to co-organize and co-chair together with the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) during the Second Forum on EO for Carbon Markets the Breakout session entitled “Enhancing Earth Observation Monitoring Capabilities”. GeoVille presented its latest developments towards an operational EO-integrated LULUCF and Carbon Removal MRV Service at Pan-European level in support of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and new ETS-2.
Earth Observation (EO), in particular Copernicus current and future satellite missions and derived thematic products can support policymakers by providing wall-to-wall maps of Activity Data (AD) and carbon emissions and removals from Above-Ground-Biomass in compliance with the TACCC Principles of Transparency, Accuracy, Consistency, Completeness and Comparability. GeoVille’s strategic innovative path in the climate change mitigation sector in recent years led to its involvement in several research and development and operational activities at national and European level, e.g., CLCplus Instances - LULUCF (EEA), LULUCF Türkiye (EUROPAID), GDA Climate Resilience (ESA/World Bank), Smart CO2 (Austrian Space Applications Program - ASAP 17), GHG-KIT - Prototyping an EO-enabled kit supporting greenhouse gas reporting. (ASAP 18), BREATHE - EO-based enhancement and verification of LULUCF Inventories for Forest & Biomass (FFG), CarbComply - Towards multi-decade carbon cycle monitoring solutions supporting legal compliance with the new EU regulations (ASAP 20).
Uniting the outcomes of the above investments now offers a scientifically proven technological solution, with pre-operational testing and service demonstration in Austria and Türkiye, some elements (LULUCF AD) being already operational under Copernicus. Thus creating an opportunity to establish an EO-integrated LULUCF and Carbon Removal MRV service potentially covering transition periods of 20-35 years by combining Landsat and Sentinel-2 time series. If implemented via high performance cloud operation system it can enable the roll-out at pan-European level, addressing the needs of both the compliance and private carbon markets.
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