In service of the
world's agendas for
sustainable development

Solutions for institutions

Society is facing unprecedented challenges related to food supply, access to clean water and energy security. Sustainable development aims at reducing impacts of population growth, maintaining essential ecosystem services and developing greener economies. In addition, climate change represents an additional overarching and cross-cutting challenge.

GeoVille supports institutions to strengthen their capabilities through effective integration and operational use of satellite technologies. Satellite Earth observation and geospatial information technology significantly informs and facilitates the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. Earth observation systems provide data to help communities protect their resources, to safeguard urban growth, harness renewable resources, manage sensitive environments and increase resilience of local communities.


Our clients:

  • International Financial Institutions (IFI)
  • United Nations (UN)
  • Environment agencies
  • Space agencies
  • International associations and groups

We deliver ...

  • dedicated services to increase the efficiency of major development project cycle steps
  • transparent and timely information to provide evidence for safeguarding investments
  • geographic inventories during the project appraisal phase enabling lead times
  • spatial insights during the implementation phase for informed decision making
  • intelligence capacity improvements to reduce time and costs
  • project baselines against changes to provide quantitative evidence for monitoring and evaluation
  • flow of progress and project(s)’ impact on the ground
  • systematic sources of environmental information to develop best practices and sustainability plans in the fields of Urban Development, Water Resource Management and Agriculture and Rural Development

Information Products

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São Tomé e Príncipe

Shoreline comparison

São Tomé e Príncipe

Earth observation based coastline/shoreline assessment. Such information were used to assess the impact of climate change on specific areas of interest at the coasts of Sao Tomé and Príncipe.


Climate change indicators: Soil moisture


Climate change indicator soil moisture based on the historical datasets of active and passive satellite microwave sensors.

Vietnam | Dong Hoi

Urban climate change mapping

Vietnam | Dong Hoi

Spatial analysis of natural hazard and climate change risks for disaster risk reduction into overall urban development.

Success Story

Ecosystem based
wealth accounting

Detailed assessment of the land cover and land use in Southern Palawan, Philippines

2013, Philippines

Wealth Accounting measures assets and capital goods that are inputs to our economic well-being. To support the construction of ecosystem accounts, World Bank Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) commissioned GeoVille with a detailed assessment of the land cover and land use in Southern Palawan, Philippines. There, changes from natural vegetation to commercial oil palm plantations have caused increased soil erosion, leading to the loss of ecosystem services and environmental problems in the related catchments. These effects will be more costly in the long-term than the income generated by the oil palm plantations.  

With the support of Earth observation imagery, GeoVille assessed the current environmental state and its changes by providing spatially and temporal quantitative and qualitative land cover and land use information for two time periods.  

Earth observation derived information can furthermore be related to the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) that contains the internationally-agreed standard concepts, definitions, classifications, accounting rules and tables for producing internationally-comparable statistics on the environment and their relationship with the economy.

“The project has provided critical support to the development of ecosystem accounts under the Philippines WAVES project. The EO based maps have filled information gaps needed to model key ecosystem services and validate and improve upon existing data.“

Stefanie Sieber, World Bank WAVES


Get in touch

GeoVille Information Systems
and Data Processing GmbH

Sparkassenplatz 2
6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +43 512 562021-0
Fax: +43 512 562021-22
Email: info(at)